Switching Places

Who would you trade places with for the day if you could? I would trade with mike wazowski. One reason i would trade with Mike is because he gets to go on adventures through the snow, and the desert. Another reason why i want to trade with Mike is because he gets to scare people and make new friends. The last reason why is because he gets to experience the arts of making mistakes.

Perfect Day

If I could have the perfect day it would be all about spending time with my friends. I would go to the mall and get ice cream, go to a trampoline park, and then have a sleep-over. We would specifically go to the Irvine Spectrum and get Cold Stone ice cream. We would leave and then go to a trampoline park called Sky Zone. We would leave about two hours later and go to my house. I would make hot chocolate get candy, and then watch The Nun Two with my friends. We would set up our beds in the living room and have a good night!

Rad Reading – September

This month I read Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz. I have not finished reading this book yet; I am currently on page 160. My favorite quote from the book is “ You have no name, no personality, no family, no friends. Nothing to identify you, nothing you care about. Not if you want to survive.” This quote is meaningful to me because people can find ways to survive using words from other people during hard times. I really like this book so far because it’s based on a true story, and I like his sense of descriptive writing. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F71-9p6cX8XL._AC_UF1000%2C1000_QL80_.jpg&tbnid=HzlOMCb6Fg5g_M&vet=12ahUKEwiLnMrNqt2BAxUfI0QIHTvRDzUQMygAegQIARBi..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPrisoner-B-3087-Ruth-Gruener%2Fdp%2F054545901X&docid=hz3o8o0KnqV9YM&w=648&h=1000&q=prisoner%20b%203087&hl=en-us&safe=active&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwiLnMrNqt2BAxUfI0QIHTvRDzUQMygAegQIARBi

The Vegan Teacher

The vegan teacher in my opinion is disturbing. She makes videos on social media platforms about how she supports veganism. In some of her other videos, she “duets” or in other words she reacts to other videos saying that you shouldn’t eat meat and pretty much bullies people for it.

SpongeBob SquarePants

I would love to live in the universe of the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants. I would love to be sponge bob because I’m energetic. And I love all the fun, cool and awesome adventures he has. I love how his friends care for him and support him through rough times. And I love burgers so it would be cool to be a worker at the Krabby Patty.