Favorite Room

The room in my home that is my favorite is my bedroom. I will be sharing three reasons why my room is my favorite. One reason why my bedroom is my favorite is because I get to do things that I want in my room like drawing, studying, writing, creating art, and playing games or being on electronics. My second reason why I think my room is my favorite is because I can renovate it anyway I want like painting my walls, getting new decor, and making my room me. Last but not least I have my third reason why my room is my favorite. My third reason is that my room is dark so that I can sleep better.

Volleyball 20% Project – Week 2

Hello again, my name is Hailey and for my 20% project this week, I finished learning how to spike and set a ball on my lawn today with the help of my dad who is going to be my mentor for my 20% project in volleyball. This week my goal was to spike the volleyball and to learn how to set properly, I accomplished that goal and and also learned the steps that I needed to do with my feet, stance, and where the ball needs to land; my palm. I found online how to set properly and what my fingers and hands need to go and if I should throw or flick the ball. Some struggles I had while learning volleyball were trying to get the ball in the right place of my hand and in the air because you almost need the height of your whole arm to get the perfect spike. So far, I have learned that learning volleyball is such an amazing sport and so fun to play against people and compete for medals and goals in your life. Next week I want to try and get 20 bumps with setting and bumping so I can get better at aiming with the ball. I’m so glad I chose volleyball for my 20% project. Thanks for reading this blog, see you next week!!!

Volleyball – 20% Project, Week One

Hey! My name is Hailey and my 20% project is going to be about playing volleyball. and to learn many skills and tricks with my volleyball. I can’t do this project all alone or by myself, so I will have my dad help me learn simple tips and tricks. This week was amazing and I was able to accomplish bumping and spiking the ball, but not properly. I almost have my bumping and spiking accomplished but I just need a bit more work. This week was a great week and I didn’t have any struggles at all. Since nothing went wrong, I had no adjustments to make. Next week I will be working on getting my bumping and setting and spiking performance almost perfect. That was all for the first week of my 20% project, but I will see you next week!!


I picked up my phone and looked for jobs for teens online. I scrolled far down seeing lemonade stands, walking dogs, and more. I saw a job that said “ babysitting for teenagers and adults” I clicked on the website to find more about how much I was going to get paid, and how many kids they have to take care of. It was a woman who was going to be paying me. I applied for the job and added her on Instagram. I texted her in private chat to ask her when she was working so I could stop by and babysit. She texted me back and said that she will be working Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. I said ok and told her that I would stop by on Wednesday because it’s a minimum day for school. On Wednesday I knock on her door and say “ hey I’m here to babysit.” She answered me back and said “ok honey, come on in.” She let me in the door ,and I hear muffled screaming sounding like it’s up in an attic. I felt scared. What do I do? Am I at the wrong house? I get tapped on the shoulder and I hear the woman say “ You’re next.” I get shoved in a trash bag and get sent up to an attic with other kids around my age. “Where am I?” I said. A girl answered and said “ she does this to all babysitters; I was one of them. She keeps you here to rot and never feeds you, and never gives you water. She just keeps on hiring babysitters and putting them up here. I don’t know why. There’s 10 of us in here going from ages 13 to 30. She’s been doing this for 27 years of her life and has never gotten caught.” She said. I started tearing up, knowing that my life is over.


There are so many people I would want to invite to dinner, but these are my top three: Danny DeVito, Shrek, and Mickey Mouse. Even though these are all wonderful, fictional, and famous people, I would love to have them to be at my top three feast. One reason why I would want to have a feast with Danny DeVito is because he’s a super enthusiastic person and has been in some of my favorite movies like Jumanji and The Haunted mansion. One reason why I would want to have dinner with Shrek is because he’s in the Shrek movies and he’s stubborn. And for my last person; I want Mickey Mouse to come to my dinner is because he’s playful, funny, and childish.