Morning Tan

I was enjoying my time getting my morning- tan in. I was sitting along a power line when suddenly I saw something in the distance. It looked like a wave of goodness. Like little leaves but tsunami-looking. The thing looked huge. It slowly came to me as I watched it gobble up my entire home and city like a lion eating its prey. The wind was high. The tsunami of leaves were on my house! My poor poor house is getting destroyed! My babies are getting chewed up by leaves! And then, it suddenly came on me. One leaf flew on my forehead and I squawked. “ OH NO!’’ What am I going to do? The tsunami of leaves flew past me, and I grabbed my children and took them inside their nest and took a shower in the rain.

Three Things I’m Thankful for

I am thankful for many things this year, but here are the three top things. One thing that I am thankful for is my friend Zoey. She is a kind hearted and a welcoming person. I love that she is always there for me when I need her. My second thing that I’m thankful for is Ms. Cherbone. She’s fun to hang out with during passing period and lunch. She will give you advice on tests, and will keep a secret and never tell anyone. My third thing that I’m thankful for is pencils/mechanical pencils. They let your words and drawings come to life in pictures and drawings. Being thankful for pencils could sound dull, but they really are something to help you with boredom, or just fill up your free time.

Rad Reading – October

This month I reading a book called Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz. I have not finished reading this book yet; I am currently on page 45. In this book World War II is going insane. A little boy named Michael O’Shaunessey, from Ireland, is living in Nazi Germany with his parents. He joins a school where they teach you about Hitler Youth. But Michael eschews the Nazis. But he joins the Hitler Youth’s abominable book burnings, playing his part so he can gain all the knowledge that he needs to know. Im liking this book so far because it tells you how World War II happens in Alan Gratz’s novel. My favorite character is Michael because he’s the main character so far and he is intelligent. A quote to describe this character trait is “ I had found secret codes and memorized them” this quote shows to tell you that Michael is intelligent. My favorite quote from the story is “ Nobody liked Herr Professor Doktor Major Melcher. For one thing he had too many titles. The Germans loved their titles.” I like this quote because its funny how much names a teacher has and a student.

Three Wishes I Would Wish For

A genie has given me three wishes! The first thing I would wish for would be a year pass to go to Disneyland. One reason why I would ask for this wish is because I haven’t been there in five years and I would go with my family and go on vacation with them to Disneyland. My second wish would be ten dollars per minute to go into my bank account. Why? Because I am broke and want money for things to go do stuff on my own and don’t have to worry about spending my parents money.